November 28th, 2011 by tor
Filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola Talks about the Evolution of Movie Sound – YouTube
I spotted this over on the Designing Sound blog (great blog, BTW) and love it. If you don’t want to take the 4-1/2 minutes to watch it, remember Mr. Coppola’s opening statement:
“Long ago, we realized–we being the young filmmakers that I used to hang around with–that sound was your special friend, because sound does at least 50% of the job–sharing with picture–but sound was infinitely cheaper.”
Like any friend (even a special one), the sound on your next project is going to give you back what you put into the friendship. This about sound in pre-production, not after you’re done with everything else, get your audio post team talking with your production sound mixer and with your picture editorial department early and often. Set aside money in the budget for the stuff that happens last and don’t use that as your production contingency. If you do these simple things, you, too, can have a special friend on your next film.